Добавлено (12.10.2011, 01:19) --------------------------------------------- ShortTime, Ну да, дело было в форм листе, поэтому урон был -5999 как то так.
...-Вот такой вот парадокс. Мы делаем моды для игр, в которые уже давно не играем...
kiruhaSUPER, У него просто не стоит Ammunition (боеприпас), именно там и находятся все возможные снаряды ракетки.
Добавлено (12.10.2011, 01:51) --------------------------------------------- ShortTime, Ну и как ты хочеш чтобы она вобще чем то стреляла? Ты видел как в фоле3?
...-Вот такой вот парадокс. Мы делаем моды для игр, в которые уже давно не играем...
;workbench to create customized weapons ; 1. Which schematics does the player have? Display as buttons. ; 2. If has items needed to create, do it; otherwise display "error" message
short HasItems short Button
short item1 short item2 short item3 short item4
float weaponCondition ; calculate what condition the weapon is at when created
; how many of these weapons has the player made? ;short countBottlecap ;short countDartGun ;short countDeathclaw ;short countNuka ;short countRailway ;short countRockit ;short countShishkebab
Begin OnActivate if IsActionRef player == 1 ; display message box of possible weapons set HasItems to 0
if GetHasNote SchematicsBottlecapMineNote == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsDartGunNote == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsDeathclawGauntletNote == 1 set HasItems to 1 endif if GetHasNote SchematicsNukaCocktailNote == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsRailwayRifleNote == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsRockitLauncherNote == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsShishkebabNote == 1 set HasItems to 1 endif if GetHasNote SchematicsBottlecapMineNote10 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsDartGunNote10 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsDeathclawGauntletNote10 == 1 set HasItems to 1 endif if GetHasNote SchematicsNukaCocktailNote10 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsRailwayRifleNote10 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsRockitLauncherNote10 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsShishkebabNote10 == 1 set HasItems to 1 endif if GetHasNote SchematicsBottlecapMineNote20 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsDartGunNote20 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsDeathclawGauntletNote20 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsRockitLauncherNote30 == 1 set HasItems to 1 endif if GetHasNote SchematicsNukaCocktailNote20 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsRailwayRifleNote20 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsRockitLauncherNote20 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsShishkebabNote20 == 1 set HasItems to 1 endif
;If the player has made one of each item, add Achievement 40 if countWeapAchievement == 0 if countBottlecap >= 1 && countDartgun >= 1 && countDeathclaw >= 1 && countNuka >= 1 && countRailway >= 1 && countRockit >= 1 && countShishkebab >= 1 addachievement 40 set countWeapAchievement to 1 endif endif
else ; 4. failure message set item1 to player.GetItemCount LunchBox set item2 to player.GetItemCount CherryBomb set item3 to player.GetItemCount SensorModule set item4 to player.GetItemCount Caps001
;If the player has made one of each item, add Achievement 40 if countWeapAchievement == 0 if countBottlecap >= 1 && countDartgun >= 1 && countDeathclaw >= 1 && countNuka >= 1 && countRailway >= 1 && countRockit >= 1 && countShishkebab >= 1 addachievement 40 set countWeapAchievement to 1 endif endif
else ;failure message set item1 to player.GetItemCount PaintGun set item2 to player.GetItemCount RadscorpionPoisonGland set item3 to player.GetItemCount ToyCar set item4 to player.GetItemCount SurgicalTubing ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureDartGunMsg, item1, item2, item3, item4 ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsg endif endif elseif button == 3 ; deathclaw gauntlet ; 1. check for schematics if GetHasNote SchematicsDeathclawGauntletNote == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsDeathclawGauntletNote10 == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsDeathclawGauntletNote20 == 0 ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureGenericMsg else ; 2. check for components if ( player.GetItemCount WonderGlue > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount DeathclawHand > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount LeatherBelt > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount MedicalBrace > 0 ) ; 3. make it ;message "Deathclaw Gauntlet created." ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchSuccessDeathclawMsg player.RemoveItem WonderGlue 1 1 player.RemoveItem DeathclawHand 1 1 player.RemoveItem LeatherBelt 1 1 player.RemoveItem MedicalBrace 1 1 ; calculate condition set weaponCondition to (weaponCondition * countDeathclawBonus) if weaponCondition > 100 set weaponCondition to 100 endif player.AddItemHealthPercent WeapDeathclawGauntlet 1 weaponCondition PlaySound UIRepairWeapon ; increment count ModPCMiscStat "Weapons Created" 1 set countDeathclaw to countDeathclaw + 1
;If the player has made one of each item, add Achievement 40 if countWeapAchievement == 0 if countBottlecap >= 1 && countDartgun >= 1 && countDeathclaw >= 1 && countNuka >= 1 && countRailway >= 1 && countRockit >= 1 && countShishkebab >= 1 addachievement 40 set countWeapAchievement to 1 endif endif
else ; 4. failure message set item1 to player.GetItemCount WonderGlue set item2 to player.GetItemCount DeathclawHand set item3 to player.GetItemCount LeatherBelt set item4 to player.GetItemCount MedicalBrace
;If the player has made one of each item, add Achievement 40 if countWeapAchievement == 0 if countBottlecap >= 1 && countDartgun >= 1 && countDeathclaw >= 1 && countNuka >= 1 && countRailway >= 1 && countRockit >= 1 && countShishkebab >= 1 addachievement 40 set countWeapAchievement to 1 endif endif
else ; 4. failure message set item1 to player.GetItemCount MS05NukaColaQtm set item2 to player.GetItemCount TinCan01 set item3 to player.GetItemCount Turpentine set item4 to player.GetItemCount AbraxoCleaner
;If the player has made one of each item, add Achievement 40 if countWeapAchievement == 0 if countBottlecap >= 1 && countDartgun >= 1 && countDeathclaw >= 1 && countNuka >= 1 && countRailway >= 1 && countRockit >= 1 && countShishkebab >= 1 addachievement 40 set countWeapAchievement to 1 endif endif
else ; 4. failure message set item1 to player.GetItemCount Crutch set item2 to player.GetItemCount SteamGaugeAssembly set item3 to player.GetItemCount FissionBattery set item4 to player.GetItemCount PressureCooker
;If the player has made one of each item, add Achievement 40 if countWeapAchievement == 0 if countBottlecap >= 1 && countDartgun >= 1 && countDeathclaw >= 1 && countNuka >= 1 && countRailway >= 1 && countRockit >= 1 && countShishkebab >= 1 addachievement 40 set countWeapAchievement to 1 endif endif
else ; 4. failure message set item1 to player.GetItemCount VacuumCleaner set item2 to player.GetItemCount LeafBlower set item3 to player.GetItemCount FirehoseNozzle set item4 to player.GetItemCount Conductor
;If the player has made one of each item, add Achievement 40 if countWeapAchievement == 0 if countBottlecap >= 1 && countDartgun >= 1 && countDeathclaw >= 1 && countNuka >= 1 && countRailway >= 1 && countRockit >= 1 && countShishkebab >= 1 addachievement 40 set countWeapAchievement to 1 endif endif
else ; 4. failure message set item1 to player.GetItemCount MotorcycleGasTank set item2 to player.GetItemCount PilotLight set item3 to player.GetItemCount LawnmowerBlade set item4 to player.GetItemCount MotorcycleHandbrake
т.е. при выборе самой пушки? В предпросмотре ГЕКК НВ модель пушки смотрели? Предпросмотр ГЕКК не вылетает?
Вылетает если стоит форм лист с "разное".
Добавлено (12.10.2011, 19:09) --------------------------------------------- Римайер, Если ставить обычный боеприпас, например ammo10mm то все нормально.
...-Вот такой вот парадокс. Мы делаем моды для игр, в которые уже давно не играем...
KAIN48, Ну у меня стоит около 150 плагинов, многие моды брони затрагивают многие локации, хотя затрагивать не должны. Полностью всех конфликтов избежать, почти не возможно. Проверял много раз.
...-Вот такой вот парадокс. Мы делаем моды для игр, в которые уже давно не играем...