Данный мод делает более детализированные губы женских персонажей
Скопировать папку Data в папку с игрой
оригинальный ридми
Thanks a lot to everyone for their kind words, downloads, endorsements and votes. I really do appreciate it.
If you like this mod, you may also like:
Detailed Faces
Detailed Bodies
No More Blocky Faces
High Quality Eyes
In Progress:
Detailed Brows
Eyelash update for HQ Eyes
Better Beast Races
Requested - Low Priority - Not Guaranteed:
Better ears for Detailed Faces
Optional clean version of Detailed Bodies
Articles featuring my mods:
PC Gamer
TOP Of The Games
Detailed Lips
- by Xenius
>> Description
This mod replaces the tint masks of the lips.
The originals were low resolution, blurred and suffered from compression artifacts.
These new tint maps are higher resolution and much less blurry.
It is recommended to use this in combination with "Detailed Faces".
Although it will work with any other skin mod as well.
The following races, both genders, are affected:
Dark Elf
High Elf
Wood Elf
>> Installation
Use 7zip or WinRar to extract the files.
Move the Data folder to your Skyrim folder.
You can find the Skyrim folder here: Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim
To those who are new to using Elder Scrolls mods:
- You do not have to extract the .bsa archives. The folder provided by
this mod has the same structure as the inside of the .bsa archive, it will
override the textures that are included in the .bsa file.
- Do not worry about the Data folder that already exists, the folder provided
by this mod will be merged with the existing folder, it will not be overwritten.
>> Uninstallation
Remove the following files:
Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\femaleheadbreton_lips.dds
Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\femaleheadhighelf_lips.dds
Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\femaleheadimperial_lips.dds
Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\femaleheadnord_lips.dds
Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\femaleheadredguard_lips.dds
Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\maleheadnord_lips.dds
Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\maleheadredguard_lips.dds
>> Compatibility
The following mods made by me are all compatible with each other:
Detailed Faces
Detailed Bodies
Detailed Lips
No More Blocky Faces
High Quality Eyes
>> Requirements
>> Version History
[19-11-11] 1.0 Release
>> Credits
Thanks to the following people
Bethesda - for creating Skyrim
>> Distribution Permission
- You may use the content for your own mods, permission from me is required.
- You may not redistribute this mod in any way or claim it as your own.
Regarding translations:
This is the only exception to the first part of the second rule.
You are allowed to redistribute this mod on a foreign website, only on the following conditions:
- You will not redistribute here on Nexus
- You will leave the original file structure intact
- You will include the original readme
- You will link back to the original file here at Nexus
- You will notify me and send me a link to the foreign page
- Most importantly: you will have to credit me as the original author
ссылка на оригинал Detailed Lips by Xenius
И конечно-же спасибо Xenius за его работу!
Thanks a lot to everyone for their kind words, downloads, endorsements and votes. I really do appreciate it.
If you like this mod, you may also like:
Detailed Faces
Detailed Bodies
No More Blocky Faces
High Quality Eyes
In Progress:
Detailed Brows
Eyelash update for HQ Eyes
Better Beast Races
Requested - Low Priority - Not Guaranteed:
Better ears for Detailed Faces
Optional clean version of Detailed Bodies
Articles featuring my mods:
PC Gamer
TOP Of The Games
Detailed Lips
- by Xenius
>> Description
This mod replaces the tint masks of the lips.
The originals were low resolution, blurred and suffered from compression artifacts.
These new tint maps are higher resolution and much less blurry.
It is recommended to use this in combination with "Detailed Faces".
Although it will work with any other skin mod as well.
The following races, both genders, are affected:
Dark Elf
High Elf
Wood Elf
>> Installation
Use 7zip or WinRar to extract the files.
Move the Data folder to your Skyrim folder.
You can find the Skyrim folder here: Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim
To those who are new to using Elder Scrolls mods:
- You do not have to extract the .bsa archives. The folder provided by
this mod has the same structure as the inside of the .bsa archive, it will
override the textures that are included in the .bsa file.
- Do not worry about the Data folder that already exists, the folder provided
by this mod will be merged with the existing folder, it will not be overwritten.
>> Uninstallation
Remove the following files:
Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\femaleheadbreton_lips.dds
Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\femaleheadhighelf_lips.dds
Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\femaleheadimperial_lips.dds
Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\femaleheadnord_lips.dds
Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\femaleheadredguard_lips.dds
Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\maleheadnord_lips.dds
Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\maleheadredguard_lips.dds
>> Compatibility
The following mods made by me are all compatible with each other:
Detailed Faces
Detailed Bodies
Detailed Lips
No More Blocky Faces
High Quality Eyes
>> Requirements
>> Version History
[19-11-11] 1.0 Release
>> Credits
Thanks to the following people
Bethesda - for creating Skyrim
>> Distribution Permission
- You may use the content for your own mods, permission from me is required.
- You may not redistribute this mod in any way or claim it as your own.
Regarding translations:
This is the only exception to the first part of the second rule.
You are allowed to redistribute this mod on a foreign website, only on the following conditions:
- You will not redistribute here on Nexus
- You will leave the original file structure intact
- You will include the original readme
- You will link back to the original file here at Nexus
- You will notify me and send me a link to the foreign page
- Most importantly: you will have to credit me as the original author
If you like this mod, you may also like:
Detailed Faces
Detailed Bodies
No More Blocky Faces
High Quality Eyes
In Progress:
Detailed Brows
Eyelash update for HQ Eyes
Better Beast Races
Requested - Low Priority - Not Guaranteed:
Better ears for Detailed Faces
Optional clean version of Detailed Bodies
Articles featuring my mods:
PC Gamer
TOP Of The Games
Detailed Lips
- by Xenius
>> Description
This mod replaces the tint masks of the lips.
The originals were low resolution, blurred and suffered from compression artifacts.
These new tint maps are higher resolution and much less blurry.
It is recommended to use this in combination with "Detailed Faces".
Although it will work with any other skin mod as well.
The following races, both genders, are affected:
Dark Elf
High Elf
Wood Elf
>> Installation
Use 7zip or WinRar to extract the files.
Move the Data folder to your Skyrim folder.
You can find the Skyrim folder here: Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim
To those who are new to using Elder Scrolls mods:
- You do not have to extract the .bsa archives. The folder provided by
this mod has the same structure as the inside of the .bsa archive, it will
override the textures that are included in the .bsa file.
- Do not worry about the Data folder that already exists, the folder provided
by this mod will be merged with the existing folder, it will not be overwritten.
>> Uninstallation
Remove the following files:
Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\femaleheadbreton_lips.dds
Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\femaleheadhighelf_lips.dds
Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\femaleheadimperial_lips.dds
Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\femaleheadnord_lips.dds
Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\femaleheadredguard_lips.dds
Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\maleheadnord_lips.dds
Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\maleheadredguard_lips.dds
>> Compatibility
The following mods made by me are all compatible with each other:
Detailed Faces
Detailed Bodies
Detailed Lips
No More Blocky Faces
High Quality Eyes
>> Requirements
>> Version History
[19-11-11] 1.0 Release
>> Credits
Thanks to the following people
Bethesda - for creating Skyrim
>> Distribution Permission
- You may use the content for your own mods, permission from me is required.
- You may not redistribute this mod in any way or claim it as your own.
Regarding translations:
This is the only exception to the first part of the second rule.
You are allowed to redistribute this mod on a foreign website, only on the following conditions:
- You will not redistribute here on Nexus
- You will leave the original file structure intact
- You will include the original readme
- You will link back to the original file here at Nexus
- You will notify me and send me a link to the foreign page
- Most importantly: you will have to credit me as the original author
Наконец то нашел.
Потерял эти текстуры во времени)) На радостях внесу ясность.
Всем, кто не особо видит разницу, либо стремается мода, изданного почти одновременно со Скайримом:
Этот мод единственный в своем роде. Мне потребовалось почерпнуть немало знаний в работе масок тона, чтобы понять это и вернуться к стремному (по скринам и дате выхода) моду.
Все, что он делает - это, убирает пиксельную угловатость (как и любой другой мод на губы), добавляет полу прозрачность маски губ, с естественным рельефом. А заодно убирает чрезмерную, неестественную "накрашенность".
Естественно, вы сможете это увидеть только при наличие хороших текстур и хорошего ЕНБ (это не текстуры, а лишь маски цвета). Я бы сказал - этот мод был сделан на будущее, будучи бесполезным в свое время.
Я же юзал его еще несколько лет назад. И сейчас все пороги ретекстуров оббил, в поисках...
Чтобы реально оценить эти маски. Парочка скринов посвежее:
Из 2013 года
Скрин раз.
Скрин два.
Зима близко...
Но в губы я не вглядываюсь, поэтому не возьму) да и перс у меня мужской и в маске.
КоварнЭ Team
Мод нужен, однозначно!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>