
Modfinder420 | Пользователь  | 20 июня 2010 03:29 к публикации Парные кинжалы "Поющие лезвия"
Answered my own question while typing that, only thing i didnt try was uploading only one mod either shop spawn or inventory spawn. Fixed my problem, reuploaded inventory spawn with uploader and left shop out...Problem solved, Thanks anyways.
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Modfinder420 | Пользователь  | 20 июня 2010 03:19 к публикации Парные кинжалы "Поющие лезвия"
hi, I recently installed this mod,I have the appropriate files uploaded the right ways and in the correct spots but i have an issue. I have the mods for the weapons to appear in bodahns shop and in inventory, Both uploaded .The problem I'm having is when I open my copy of Dragon age and check my mods list it is there, however I make a new character to try it out on and there not in his starting inventory.I thought maybe i needed to restart da,didn't work,disabled and re-enabled the mod and made another new character to no avail.Been trying to get this thing to work its really great stuff,and if anyone has any idea whats going on please let me know.Thank You
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