Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Шутеры были созданы дабы нести мир и любовь расслабление и кайф от пачек срубленных противников, не заморачиваясь по поводу и без.
Создатели ARMA, Operation Flashpoint и Red Orchestra это запомнят.
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
DimonVoin, Слишком сложно? Понимаю. Я и сам не любитель рвать задницу из-за игр, но ведь CoD - это какой-то апогей минимализма участия игрока в происходящем.
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Изменение репутации для пользователя Noil
Сообщение №606
| Тема: ;
написано: 18 декабря 2011, 20:22
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
а в MW помимо двух компаний нам дают возможность поиграть не только за простых солдат, но и ещё оценить войну с высоты птичьего полёта.
аа, ты про это. Ну, небольшая мини-игра, сделанная для разнообразия. Не стоит к этому относится, как к чему-то гениальному.
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Особенно в MW3, мне кажется самая плохая часть из современной войны.
Часть из... чего? Из современной войны самая плохая часть - война в Ливии. Нет крутого и эпичного экшона, только мелкие стычки.
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Я имел в виду Modern Warfare, и думаю ты это понял.
Нет, сначала не понял. Давай будем называть игры своими названиями,а не "Поле битвы", "Прилавок восстания", "Нужно для Скорость" и т.д.
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
По крайней мере некоторые моменты во 2 части было интересно переиграть
2-ая часть вообще была классной.
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Добавлено (28.12.2011, 04:02) --------------------------------------------- Кстати, мой заказ: 1. Ава. 2. Вырезать фон и облако (или как это называют,я не знаю) слов, капли Рагнарока (той чёрной кляксы) оставить. Сделать в двух вариантах - с той большой кляксой внизу и без неё. Контур тоже, будьте любезны, оставьте. 3.Картинко 4. 140*140 С меня 1+ в репу и 4 награды.
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
NaNo[VedRoiD], Поясни лучше. Больше трёх Святых ботов или больше одного в коопе?
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
NaNo[VedRoiD], Модов там не больше полутора десятка (и то довольно поверхностные), поэтому на них бы я не рассчитывал. Читов именно на увеличение Святых я тоже не нашёл. Так что, видимо, никак.
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Эм, это древнейший термин. Перл - нелепое и смешное высказывание.
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
DimonVoin, Да, спасибо за спойлер - всё равно я в неё не собирался играть.
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Airborn, Кстати да, в этой части даже больше порвано, чем в Азайлуме. Причём тут это выглядит довольно глупо.
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Ну, Кошка - несколько другое. На неё в рванье хоть приятнее становится смотреть. Но у Бетмена... брррр....
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)