Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Сразу вспоминается "Поцоны,когда Сталкер 4-ре выходет?" Вот мои Реальные: - Mass Effect 3 - Batman: Arkham City - Ведьмак 3 Нереальные: - Shenmue 3 - Космические Рейнджеры 3
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Audiosurf,Plants vs. Zombies,Super Meat Boy,Super Meat Boy,Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic,Medieval II Total War,Sid Meier's Civilization V,Frozen Synapse,The Binding Of Isaac. Вот так вот всё скромно.
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Изменение репутации для пользователя Noil
Сообщение №491
| Тема: Battlefield 3
написано: 8 октября 2011, 13:24
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Вот,сделал гифку принца под аватарку.Знаю,убого,но всё же.
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Изменение репутации для пользователя Noil
Сообщение №496
| Тема: Battlefield 3
написано: 10 октября 2011, 13:36
"Я думал, намного будет… Намного лучше будет это все. И очень средненькая игра, просто очень средненькая игра! Я думал, намного лучше это все будет. Сколько раз в 1942,2142 и Bad Company 2 игра-а-а-ал — было намного лучше, но на этот раз как-то не удало-ось. Во-первых, народу мало, игра — средненькая…"(с)Игровая личность.
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Изменение репутации для пользователя Noil
Сообщение №498
| Тема: Battlefield 3
написано: 10 октября 2011, 14:13
Cout, Ну...я хотел чего-то нового.А получил на 90% БК 2.
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Изменение репутации для пользователя Noil
Сообщение №499
| Тема: Rage
написано: 11 октября 2011, 18:55
Много негативных отзывов. Думаю это потому что народ МГ привык ко всяким TES и Battlefield, а старые добрые "спиномозговые" шутеры все забыли.
Все ПеКабояре негодуют из-за глючности Рейджа на ПК.
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Изменение репутации для пользователя Noil
Сообщение №500
| Тема: Rage
написано: 12 октября 2011, 13:34
=Blaze=, Согласен - в Рейдже графика раза в 2-3 лучше.Даже сравнивать смешно.
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Изменение репутации для пользователя Noil
Сообщение №502
| Тема: Rage
написано: 12 октября 2011, 17:50
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
misterSlav, Да зачем?В анимации это будет глуповато смотреться. Вопрос! Как сделать аватарку в кружке,чтобы верхняя часть вылезала,а нижняя была как бы внутри.Вот так,если кто не понял.
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Димс, О,спасибо.Я просто накладывал внизу ещё один слой кружка.
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Изменение репутации для пользователя Noil
Сообщение №509
| Тема: Battlefield 3
написано: 14 октября 2011, 16:49
KEKS, Боян - на нульчановском веге ещё с сентября сделали.
это для тех кто не видел, о наш великий КЭП
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)
Feeling so excited it's the best thing that i've ever found (talking down do you) Feeling suicidal there's not a chance i'll be coming around (dropping out of school)