ТВОЯ КРОВЬ АМЕТИСТОВАЯВы всегда идете к своей цели. Обладаете сильной волей и чутким сердцем. В нужные моменты проявляете здравый смысл. Боретесь за то, что считаете правильным. Хорошая интуиция. Властность. Возможный недостаток - тщеславие.
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
Hripelov, удачи, но вряд ли он захочет играть с кем то. Давно бы уже составил банду, если бы захотел. А некоторые его песни действительно хороши, особенно Welcome Home.
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
Арвен, что, грязная, в шрамах и ссадинах не красивая?
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
ТВОЙ ЖИЗНЕННЫЙ КОЗЫРЬ- ОСОЗНАННОСТЬПросто жизненно необходимое качество , в условиях обострения информационной атаки СМИ. Осознанность- это и критичность ума, и некий скептицизм, и неприятие известных аксиом на веру. Данный козырь помогает не поддаваться легкомысленно на разного рода манипуляции и провокации, дает возможность двигаться по жизни уверенно, но осторожно.
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
С ванильной водой разница никакая. Даже с улучшенной водой, сильной разницы не обнаружил.
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
Все конечно полезные и нужные, но заклинания Иллюзии круче, потому что можно, например, заставить двух влюбленных набить друг другу морду.
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
Женским персонажем. Мужским, если в игре мужской пол может добавить какой-то вариативности (например интересные диалоги), что бывает почти никогда.
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none
Shrinks make you mad Pills make you dead Religions kill your soul Bills will eat you whole - Schools make you dumb Culture makes you numb Lawyers free the scum Justice for you - none