![[Заблокированное изображение с icons.iconarchive.com]](//cs2.modgames.net/attachments/images/thumbs/6997e44971e3eb257b53623be79e7f8f442b5c8136956e33397be15365e56365.png)
Have you always wanted to have a real bad ass Military gear in the past that is high quality.
How to Obtain:
"They are all stashed in a military case.
" "Help" enclave 4 "to look up the list and" 4 "to see all the gear in console
I got alot more assets to port mostly in more camos, head ware, vest, and gear Spetsnaz add female support.Change log:
- Ive corrected the right material file path for knee pad and elbow pad so there shouldnt be any purple textures.
- I added a few more Shirtless uniform Camo Models that i forgot to add in original release.
- I added female models for this mod so expect alot of changes.
- I added Desert gear content for those who use desert environment mods.
- I added about a dozen of backpacks that should add immersive to the mod.
![[Заблокированное изображение с icons.iconarchive.com]](http://cs2.modgames.net/attachments/images/thumbs/3a1e58722aa526417c42757b59e3874c6e5cedb462c06cc15614fe01fac81876.png)
Have you always wanted high-quality military equipment in Fallout for really cool peppers? Then here it is.
This mod adds the equipment of the Russian army - both obsolete sets, and those that are currently used.
How to get:
All equipment is hidden in an army container. To get it in the game, write the command "player.placeatme XX01666B" (without the quotes) in the console , where XX is the sequence number of the mod in your download list.
Use the console command "help enclave 4".
Enclaves Russian Gear '
** approx. translator:
Note that all things are in the container in the amount of 99 pieces, so do not take everything at once (using the R key), but one at a time
- The second container, called 'Enclaves Military Gear', is NOT necessary - it refers to another author's fashion and things from it will NOT be displayed.
Translated esp mode you can download from the link in the "Installation" section.
There ONLY esp, for the mod to work, you need the main mode for the main link
Future plans:
In the author's plans to add even more camouflage colors, headdresses, vests / bibs and equipment for special forces. It is also planned to add support for women's bodies.Version changes:
- Errors in the path of material files for knee pads and elbow pads were corrected, due to which there were no textures
- Добавлены несколько вариантов камуфляжной униформы без рубашки, которые отсутствовали в первом релизе
Установите мод с помощью NMM
или вручную:
1. Скопируйте все файлы из архива в папку Fallout 4\Data\
2. Откройте ваш plugins.txt (C:\Users\%Имя пользователя%\AppData\Local\Fallout4\plugins.txt)
и добавьте в него строчку с названием мода
*EnclaveTrooper TestModels.esp
Русский .esp
Скачайте мод по основной ссылке, установите как описано выше.
Скачайте переведённый есп по ссылке ниже, распакуйте в папку Data вашей игры, согласитесь на замену
Скачайте переведённый есп по ссылке ниже, распакуйте в папку Data вашей игры, согласитесь на замену
Название контейнера НЕ переведено, т.к. иначе консольные команды работать не будут
и вы не сможете получить снаряжение в игре
и вы не сможете получить снаряжение в игре
Delete all the mod files from the folder Fallout 4 \ Data \
HaxorusShiny for letting me use my gloves assets for my outfits. antistar for letting me use his knee pads and elbow pads models.
Me ComradeBear for Helping Rig some of the models for Fallout 4.
4A Games for They Telnyashka assets.
Boheima and others that worked on them great high quality assets.