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Форум » Записи участника [kalimdor1960]

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kalimdor1960  Offline  Сообщение №1 | Тема: SKSE для Skyrim Special Edition написано: 15 ноября 2016, 19:57

Input support is one of the major features on the list for our first release of SKSE64. Hopefully some of the previous hotkey mods will come over after - or someone will write a new one.

это последнее два часа назад

kalimdor1960  Offline  Сообщение №2 | Тема: SKSE для Skyrim Special Edition написано: 22 ноября 2016, 07:08 | Отредактировано: kalimdor1960 - 22 ноября 2016, 07:10

вот последние новости. я так поняла работа движется.
 [PC]Official SKSE64 thread от behippo в skyrimmods[–]behippo[S] 9 очков 3 часа назад Okay - here is an update for you all. I posted this info on the old BGS forums today as well. As of last night we have the general Papyrus script extending working. I have a test spell that collects info off of a Weapon form (damage, stagger, weight, value from Weapon.psc, Name from Form.psc, Keyword info from Keyword.psc) and displays it. The TESObjectWEAP class is fully decoded, and with the exception of the SoundDescriptor class, all of the component forms that are used by weapons are also decoded. I expect most of the Weapon.psc functions to just work at this point, but I haven't verified them.The weapon itself is found by looking it up internally by ID, and the dynamic casting code to get it to the correct form is also being used. These are important, foundational pieces of SKSE64. Additionally, many classes leverage the form components used by Weapons, so they will be decoded faster. This early work is like an accelerator for later work.That being said, there is a ton of work left. We have many, many classes left to decode and verify. As each one is done I'll bring over the corresponding papyrus functions. We haven't looked at Inventory code yet (always tricky.) We haven't looked at Magic and Active Effects (big). We haven't looked at Input code (changed for x64). We haven't looked at Events. We haven't looked at Scaleform yet for SkyUI/MCM.The long Thanksgiving weekend is approaching in the US, and I will be spending a lot of time deep in the porting process. I'll have some form of semi-official statement on where things stand (with perhaps a demo video) early next week (Monday or Tuesday I expect.)
 за SkyUI  еще не брались.

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