Vampire Armor Bug

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Inside of all meshes that are supposed to display in the inventory screen there is a marker named BSInvMarker. This marker controls the positioning and appearance of the item when viewing it in the inventory. Since it is only supposed to be used when the model is called from the inventory screen, this marker should only be present in ground (GND) meshes, as the models used on characters are not used on the inventory screen. Unfortunately, this marker is present in all of the vanilla vampire armor meshes added by Dawnguard. When a mod calls one of these models as a static it activates the BSInvMarker contained therein. For some reason (I really have no idea why), this causes any renderings of that model on characters in the game world to fail when loading their textures, resulting in a solid red/green/grey/purple color (it varied for me), but seemingly only if the player is using a custom retexture of said armor. It doesn't seem to be a problem when using vanilla textures. If using a custom retexture of these armors, it doesn't prevent the static model from loading its texture, but it will continue to "bug" any instances of those models on characters while it persists in memory.


  1. Swenson
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    Any idea on how to fix this?
    1. Grausam
      • premium
      • 36 kudos
      You can download corrected meshes on Elianora's Hassildor house mod page: