оh wow, I remembered the password

Hi! Just wanted to pop in real quick and let y'all know that I’m okay if somebody ports my ME mods to MELE and releases them for public use. No permission needed. Would like a credit, though.

Upd: please, do not profit of my work (no donations, no monetization, etc.).


First thank you for sharing your complexion and texture mods for ME. I've used them throughout many playthroughs. However, while you've given permission for them to be ported for LE, no one has and I'm becoming more tempted to figure it out myself. Anyways, I already downloaded the texture you've redone for MELE, but are you going to do the same for male shep? If not I don't suppose you could point me in right direction to start the process. Thanks. ;-)


Hey! Yes, I’m going to port my m!Shep textures to MELE as well


Hello, thank you for porting your ME complexions, I love the freckled one a lot!! I wanted to mention, your Cullen complexion mod's link is down, any chance of it being reuploaded? That was my favorite :)


Hi! You’re welcome :)

As for Cullen complexion, I don’t have it anymore on my PC :( If anybody here still has the file, please, send it my way, I will update the link.


Hey, thanks for the port! Just wanted to say that your freckled complexion is amazing, and my favorite one. Can't even imagine my Shep without it :) Thanks for your amazing work, and for sharing it with us ♥


Yooo thank you! It’s my favourite, too :D


I've been waiting for someone to port your complexions to the LE, but it's been a while and still nothing. ;_;


Yeah… Guess I have to take this into my hands.

So! This is one of the most half-assed texture ports you’ve ever seen. Still better than nothing, though.

This is a MELE port of my FEMSHEP HIGH QUALITY TEXTURES mod for the original trilogy. MELE version only contains female complexion textures (no eyebrows, eyelashes, eyes, etc.). I’m not sure if it’s necessary to port everything since there are many alternatives on Nexus.


For all you frecklephobes out there I’ve made a separate mod that covers all the complexions besides the 3rd one.
(No, I don’t think “I oVeRdId WiTh FrEcKlEs” (you have no idea how many of these I got in my DM) and no, I won’t make any adjustments

For visual reference please visit original mod’s page and its Flickr album.

I did not test these in MELE, so please, if you detect any game-experience-breaking glitches (such as very visible seams, etc) let me know.

Downloads are under the cut.

Keep reading


Hi! I'm just wondering if you have any advice for porting to LE? I'd like to port some of your ME3 hairstyles for personal use but I'm not quite sure what to do after dropping the upk into legendary explorer.


Hello! I’m not sure if there is any way to do this without 3ds max. The thing is, MELE hair has different count of bones comparing to ME hair. You need to drop the .psk into 3ds max, delete existing skin modifier and copy the weights from vanilla hair mesh onto the modded one. Ottemis has great tutorial on how to do this and more.


Hello! There's a gif set you posted long ago of River Shepard and Joker, and I was wondering where you got that hair mod from? It's a middle part ponytail!


Hi! I converted it from the Sims 4.

Hey, do you remember these textures? It took me 3 years to get them ready for public release.😅

Now, I present to you –

Miranda’s new face textures (for MELE2)

Basically, it’s the same Miri just with more defined eyebrows and more prominent skin texture. Also I couldn’t resist giving her subtle smokey eyes makeup.

Pictures above were taken in ME2, here how it looks in MELE2:


As you can see, most of the details were eaten by the game shaders, but I think it still looks better than vanilla, so here it is. Enjoy!

Created with Mass Effect Modder V512.

Hi! I recently converted your amazing male and female Shepard face textures for personal use. I just wanted to ask for your permission to post these to the Nexus? I will of course give you full credit and link to your blog!


Hi! I already gave my permission to do this to someone else. Sorry!


Hello! Glad to see you active and thriving. Do you have any news on whether you or someone else will be porting your mods into MELE? It just doesn't feel the same without seeing your beautiful work in-game.


Hi! Thank you 😊

I know someone who’s porting my face textures right now 😉 Don’t know about my other mods, though. As for me, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do any porting in the nearest future – my job keeps me busy 24/7 this times 😑


I'm converting your face textures to MELE, but I wanted to ask if you mind them being edited a little? There's a seam that shows at the hairline where the normals don't quite match those of the scalp, so I'm trying to blend in the vanilla normals just at the edges to make them match— But I thought I had better check if that's ok before releasing them, I would totally understand if you'd prefer they weren't altered.

Thank you for all your work on these textures, they're my favourites and they vastly improved my OT games! My Shep doesn't look quite like herself without them!


Hello! Sure, you can edit all of them. :)

Thank you for all your kind words ❤️


hi so i cant find the blog that has the more generous hairline mod for me1 it looks like she or he deleted the blog :(

do you know where i can find the download link?


Aw man, that sucks. :( Unfortunately, I don’t know any other DL links, maybe someone here knows?

These are my eyelash textures😢 They also used my sclera texture for their mod. No credits given, of course, otherwise I wouldn’t be whining about it here.

My first thought was to ignore this (it’s been a long time since my active modding days, I’m older, I’m wiser (lol), and all that) but the mod description page really pulled the trigger for me. I mean, how could they set such permission rules when it is they who are ignoring the rules in the first place?
